Creative Marketing Strategies to Put Your Small Translation Business


14 November 2018


Translation Business

As the owner of a translation business, you know firsthand just how much a good marketing strategy can make or break you.

However, your current advertising strategy often makes you feel like your company is getting, well, lost in translation. You need to make a change as soon as possible.

But you’re just not sure where you should start when it comes to updating your marketing plan.

In this post, we’re sharing both print and digital advertising tips that you can’t afford to miss out on.

When you’re ready to dominate your target market and outrank your competition in the search engine results, keep on reading.

Start with Your Website

Especially when you’re running an international business, you need advertising tips that can reach everyone on the globe — at the same time.

In short, while a strong website is important for every company, it becomes even more essential for brands who need to reach people in different time zones and across different languages.

In other words? Even though you’re running a translation business, it doesn’t change the fact that nearly 3/4 of consumers say they prefer to read content in their first language.

Start by looking for the right tools and plugins that will automatically change your site’s language to the language of the user.

But don’t stop there.

Having an intuitive and branded web design are also key digital marketing tips. This matters because people will stay on a site they find easy to use for much longer than average.

Pop-ups, autoplay features, or just sites that take forever to load won’t cause them to click away after three seconds. This helps you rise in search engine rankings.

First of all, ensure your site loads quickly and completely on desktop and mobile devices. Use menu options at the top of your page to help users find exactly what they’re looking for as fast as possible. If you’re blogging (more on that in a minute) make sure you’ve taken the time to properly categorize your past posts.

Above all, keep your homepage engaging and organized, like on this website.

Finally, don’t forget to include your company’s contact information on not just the homepage, but every page of your internal website.

Remember that consumers won’t always come to the homepage first. Don’t make them hunt around on your site to find out how to get answers to their questions or sign up for your services.

Blogging and Guest Posting

Blogging and Guest Posting

Now that we’ve covered how your website will drive more customers to your translation business, let’s talk about how blogging can increase your site visitors by around 300%.

We understand that blogging is a lot of work — and, if you have to hire professional content services to write your posts for you, it can also be expensive. So, why is it worth it?

First of all, it helps to increase your authority and brand recognition within your target market. By providing information-based (as opposed to sales-driven) blog posts, you strengthen consumer trust in your brand.

Plus, blogging also tells Google and other search engines that you update your entire website more often than companies who just have a static site.

This means that you’ll be able to outrank your competitors in the search engine results. Plus, you’ll also have more indexed pages (AKA, pages that have been read and categorized by Google.) This also helps you get higher up in the search engine result pages.

Blogging also gives you an amazing opportunity to connect with your target market and shorten your overall sales cycle through the use of keywords.

By naturally including keywords (what people type into search engines when they need a translation business) in your content, your website will show up in front of people who are ready to buy exactly what you’re selling.

But blogging alone isn’t enough. You also need to get into guest posting. This is one of the best online advertising tips because it gives you the chance to broaden your market and increase your brand awareness at the same time.

Write articles and blog posts for popular online journals, websites, and even forums that are relevant to the translation industry.

Other Key Digital Advertising Ideas

Of course, your digital marketing strategy shouldn’t begin and end with site design, blogging, and guest posting alone.

There are a few other digital marketing tips you should take into consideration, too.

Make sure that you claim your third-party listings on platforms like Google My Business, and fill out your profiles as completely as is possible. This is especially helpful when it comes to connecting you to your target market.

Those third-party listings are also important because they allow your customers the chance to leave online reviews for your business. While having a testimonials section on your website is a good idea, most consumers feel that third-party site reviews are less biased.

Make sure you frequently read and respond to these reviews — yes, even the bad ones. You want to prove to potential and current clients that you take their input seriously.

Social media is also essential in the online marketing world.

However, especially since you’re a smaller business, we suggest that you conduct some market research to find out which platform your customers spend most of their time on.

Focus your efforts there first, and then expand to other platforms. If possible, aim to post three times a day: morning, noon, and night.

Finally, never underestimate the power of an e-newsletter. Not only will this allow you to let your leads and current customers know about new product offerings and flash sales.

E-newsletters can also help to build up a personal connection between you and your market. You can feature employees of the month, tell customer stories, and even ask for feedback in survey form.

Offline Advertising Tips for Your Translation Business

Yes, having a strong digital marketing strategy is incredibly important for your translation business. However, it doesn’t mean that you can completely ignore print marketing or offline marketing in general.

Now, let’s take a look at some seriously effective marketing ideas that don’t require an Internet connection.

Host an Event

Host an Event

One of the best ways to get your name out there is by hosting an event in your local market.

You don’t have to spend a lot of money in order to increase your brand recognition — you just have to focus on inviting the right people. Invite other local businesses to a dinner at an international restaurant in your area, or host a “language night” at a local school.

Focus on event spaces that have a global feel — even having a “movie night” where you show a popular international film could work.

We suggest handing out promotional products at these events. This way, even if attendees don’t need translations services now, they’ll know who to call when they do in the future.

Don’t Underestimate Mailings

Relying on the cousin of the e-newsletter, paper mailings, to get the word out about your business is still an effective marketing idea.

People love getting “snail mail,” especially as it becomes rarer and rarer. Whenever possible, hand-address your envelopes to increase their open rate.

When you send out mailings, think outside the holiday card or business pamphlet alone. Instead, consider including things like a magnetic calendar, so that customers can have your company in their heads all year long.

You could also include a paper card with a discount code.

The same goes for simply including a physical coupon offering them a percentage off of your services.

Also, slip in a few of your business cards, and handwrite a note on the back of them. You may also want to create a branded letterhead or stationary, in order to increase your brand recognition.

It’s all about building a personal connection between you and your leads.

Grow Your Translation Business with These Tips

Grow Your Translation Business with These Tips

We hope that this post has helped you to better understand how to market your translation business both on and offline.

Remember that conducting thorough market research — and knowing when to ask for the help of a professional marketing team — will take you a long way.

Looking for additional advice about how to build your brand? Want to ensure you’re creating evergreen content that your market will love sharing on social media?

Want to understand how good web design increases your conversions and grow your traffic?

Our blog can help you to learn all of that and more, so keep coming back to us for more advertising advice.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Choosing A Language Services Provider

5 Things To Consider When Choosing A Language Services Provider

Taking your brand overseas? Having your eyes set on a global market, you are definitely going to begin creating the right strategies on how to tap into it. Realizing that what works within your borders might not work across them is the first important thing. And, so is understanding that English may not be enough to communicate internationally. Thus, translation and interpretation services might be necessary, and the first thing to do is learn more on how those two concepts differ. Have you been assuming that English will be quite enough for the plans you have to take your business to the international scene? After all, it is rather widespread, and while not everyone speaks it, people all around the world are definitely using it. I can see where such an assumption may be coming from and you’re not wrong thinking that people all over the world use this language, but here’s the thing. Not everyone uses it. Plus, statistics show that somewhere around 75% of global buyers are far more likely to order certain products or services if the information is provided to them in their native language. So, adapting your brand to the foreign market is a must, and it begins with starting to use their language for providing information and for communication for that matter. How can you do that, though? Are you now expected to learn all the languages in the world so as to be able to make a name for yourself on the global market? Fortunately, no. What you are expected to do, though, is provide clients with the option of communicating with your brand in their native language, and you’ll do that by using language services. And, using those services starts with choosing the right provider. Figuring out you need these services will be easy. Actually choosing the right provider can be a bit more difficult. Important things to consider when trying to make this choice, and I’ll tell you about those below, hoping to make things quite easier for you. Your Very Own Requirements When choosing the language translation services provider you want to work with, the first thing to do is figure out what your very own requirements are. Put differently, which languages do you need? Depending on the part of the global market, that is the part of the world, you’re trying to reach, you’ll have different needs. And, choosing providers without knowing those needs is basically a shot in the dark. Qualifications You won’t be shooting in the dark, however, will you? Instead, you’ll figure out precisely what you want and then start researching those providers you’ll come across. And, you’ll come across them, of course, with the help of the Internet. The first thing to check when you begin the research is their level of qualifications. In few words, what you want is to find companies that have highly qualified translators and interpreters working for them, as that’s how you’ll always get the perfect quality services. Technical Expertise Speaking of getting the best quality services, do you think that would be possible without proper technical solutions? Of course it wouldn’t. Using certain tech solutions to communicate with the translators and interpreters and for them to provide their services to you and make client communication easy is certainly a must. This is why checking the technical expertise of the companies you’re considering is significant, because you want to choose someone who knows their way around these solutions and who can provide you with great remote interpretation and translation. Overall Experience Choosing those professionals that aren’t experienced enough with this type of work would also be a mistake. Thus, when checking out companies, remember to determine how experienced they are, as that will show you how long they have been successfully serving their clients. Companies that aren’t successful won’t survive in this climate, meaning the longer someone has been in business, the higher the chances of them offering the perfect language services. Giving new firms a chance is not wrong, though, as long as you’re sure that you’ll get connected to experienced professionals and that you’ll absolutely get the quality you deserve when it comes to interpretation and translation. Read about the significance of translation in business: Prices While your focus should always be on quality and while you should never go for low quality services just because they might be cheaper, that doesn’t exactly mean you should completely ignore the prices. Finding reasonable solutions is the goal here. And, doing that is possible by comparing the prices offered by various language services providers. Taking as much time as you need to compare all the information, including the prices, is what will lead you to getting the perfect quality and the most reasonable quotes, which is what you want. Read Also: What Should my Content Cover to Rank on Google? How To Use Google Ads To Your Advantage The Basics on Google Local Algorithm

Product Packaging

Ideas For An Excellent Product Packaging

An average supermarket in the United States has about 40,000 different items for consumers to choose from. How does one consumer choose a product from the number of choices? Every industry relies on manufacturers, consumers, and distributors, but how do they grab the attention of potential buyers? Product Packaging. An industry in itself, proper packaging has the power to attract consumers. If you want to build a strong brand, consider optimizing your product packaging with a unique design and sustainable solutions. What makes an excellent Product packaging design? 1. Simplicity and clarity: When you walk into a supermarket, just go through products and take a glance at them. Do you identify the product or the brand by simply looking at it? The best example of quality packaging will be a clear and simple but highly distinctive packaging design. You will be amazed to learn that most consumers will decide to buy a product or not within a few seconds only. There will be numerous product listings with no specific brand name and you will also look at products that look great from the outside but they are unable to explain what is inside the box. Most importantly, packaging design should not confuse consumers. It should always deliver on clarity. There are some categories that allow a little bit of mystery but if the consumer fails to identify the product in terms of usage, content, or brand identity, it needs to be revamped. Be clear about what you are selling. Do not complicate it in any manner. 2. Be honest: A lot of brands try to depict the product in the most perfect way one can imagine. The packaging shows something about the product which is not real at all. When you try to depict a product ten times better than it actually is, you end up misleading the consumer and eventually disappointing him. This only leads to poor sales performance and builds a very bad brand image. Honesty plays a crucial role here. A lot of consumers like simplicity, they want to know what is the product is about and how it will serve them. You can do face lifting to a small extent but not where the product is something totally different. You need to show the product in the finest manner possible and ensure you show all honesty in it. Remember that the consumers need to be treated in an appropriate manner at all times. 3. Be authentic: Character and originality need to be at the core of great brands and excellent packaging designs. There are numerous products in the market and every product is competing for the attention of the consumer. If you want to set yourself apart, you will have to be very authentic. Product packaging is a matter of creativity and it is not possible to create a fake impression based on the design only to sell the product. People have a number of brands to choose from, they have different appeals and looks to try. You need to remain authentic in your product design in order to ensure that your product design is memorable. Do not get on with a genetic-looking design. Look for strong visual standards and an uncommon style to appeal to the consumers. If you notice that most brands have a contemporary product design, opt for something retro. Be creative and always look for different options for your product. With more customers looking for eco-friendly options, Brad Zaikov from Jansy ( says that businesses that use biodegradable packaging will attract more customers. 4. Consider shelf impact: If you look at a product from the view of a consumer, you will notice that no product is ever seen alone. It is also not seen in exceptional detail. All the products are organized in columns and rows and there are numerous patterns and designs you see. Until a particular design or pattern catches your eye, you are not going to take a better look of the product. The appeal of a product when it is placed on a shelf is known as shelf impact and it will make a huge difference to the sales of a product. You need to check shelf impact and explore the designs. Do this by copying the placement of the design on a shelf and then surrounding it with different products. It will sell better if it looks good. 5. Keep space for extensibility: The idea of product packaging should leave space for the introduction of a new product or a new brand. There should be a possibility to make easy variations to the product without it losing its appeal. The initial design concept should not heavily rely on one product or one color. You might expand in the future or introduce a new product and you need to leave space in product designing for the same. Create a visual design that will allow for easy alterations in the visual of the packaging or will allow for easy addition or removal of information. 6. Practicality: Last but not least, practice is important when designing the packaging of a product. It not only deals with the label but deals with the shape, functionality, and size of the product you are selling. To get higher sales, the product needs to be more practical. A lot of business owners tend to overlook the aspect of practicality in packaging design because they think consumers are simply going to pick the product off the shelf without any thought. Unfortunately, this does not happen and consumers are looking for innovation. Practicality merged with innovation can solve a number of packaging design challenges. Product packaging is as important as product manufacturing. If you have an excellent and highly functional product to sell but if you do not spend enough time and effort on its packaging, you might never be able to reach out to the consumers. Packaging is your last opportunity to convince the consumer to purchase the product. 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madrid airport

Top Tips for Choosing the Best Private Transfers from Madrid Airport

Are you planning to visit Barcelona? The region has some of the best tourist attraction sites all over the world. You can be sure of getting the best experiences as long as you may your choices well. When visiting Barcelona, there is a high possibility that you will alight at Madrid Airport. Most international planes use this airport because it is the largest in the region. Once you arrive at this place, you will need to find your way to the desired destination. The airport is served by several modes of transport and hence you will not get stuck. One of the best options is to organize for one of the private transfers from Madrid airport. However, you have to make your arrangements well to avoid last-minute disappointment. The region has several transfer services but not all of them will give you the best services. Here are some of the tip that will help you to make the right choices. 1. Ask for a Quotation Before booking for any airport transfers in Madrid, you need to ask for a quotation. Make sure that you are getting a quote that has a fixed price. Most companies will give you a quotation and not mention that waiting is excluded. You also need to know whether parking is extra and if there is a premium for traveling at night among others. Make sure you inquire whether all these costs are part of the quotation. You don’t want any last-minute surprises when touring an area. Remember you have a budget and you don’t want anything that will make you consume out of it. 2. Book Online When you book your air taxi services, you will be sure that you have a record of your bookings. You have to make sure that the company sends you a booking confirmation. In case something goes wrong with your booking, you will have a written record to go back and check. Therefore, booking online is the safest option if you want to have proof of your transaction. Besides, the process is fast and highly efficient. You can make the booking from anywhere including the comfort of your bedroom. 3. Information You have to provide as many details as you can about your travel arrangements. There is certain information that you need to find in an excellent online booking form. It includes the fight number, terminal information, contact number, drop off and collection addresses, a number of passengers, times, dates and any other special information. Make sure you provide all this info to make your travel from Madrid seamless. 4. Check Your Dates You can easily make a mistake when booking private transfers from Madrid airport. If you are traveling overseas, you may give the wrong date of arrival because of the time difference. Therefore, you have to make sure that you are using the right time zone when making these interpretations. There are so many drivers at the Madrid airport who are looking for their passengers at any given time. These people could be on the other side of the pond or deep asleep in their room. Therefore, make sure you check the dates well to avoid being the source of much confusion. 5. Use the Meet and Greet Service When a driver meets you at the airport, you will not be in a hurry and he will also help you with luggage. You can also use the loo or grab a cup of coffee before you finally set off on the road. It can be tempting for the driver to meet you in the drop off area. However, the timing has to be perfect and you will have to undergo a lot of rushing. Some private transfers from madras airport like to meet their clients in this manner. However, you can encounter some challenges, especially with illegal parking because you are in a hurry. You can learn from these mistakes and begin to use the meet and greet service. 6. Turn Your Phone On The airport transfer company will easily get in touch with you when you turn on your phone number. The best company will text you in advance and this will help you to get the number of the driver for easy communication. You will have peace of mind while in transit because you will be sure that someone is waiting for you. Madrid airport has a hub of activities and most people there don’t know the next move to take. You can easily miss your driver and the only thing that can save you is when your phone is on. You will have direct communication meaning the process will be less stressful and easier. 7. Assistance Part of the service of private transfers from Madrid airport is pointing you in the right direction, minding your luggage, and carrying your bags. Make sure you are getting a driver who will offer you the assistance that you need. 8. Do Not Fear to Ask If you want to get something from and to the airport during the journey, learn to ask the driver. Drivers have no problem to stop for a comfort break because it allows them to stretch their legs. It will differentiate between a taxi firm and a Chauffeur Company or quality airport transfer. 9. Feedback You should give the company an opportunity to know what you think about the services that they rendered to you. A reputable brand will appreciate your feedback whether it is negative or positive. You also need to mention some of the ways of improving the service. Conclusion The most important thing for private transfers from Madrid airport is to give you a chance to sit back and relax. When the car arrives, it is a clear indication that you have started the holiday. It is good to make sure that you are having a stress free experience while on the move. Do your homework well and you will get exemplary service from your Madrid trip. Read Also: How Digital Advisors Have Transformed The Investment Sector What To Look For In Shuttle Bus Services For Visiting Tourists And People On Business